Grassroots Activism in Support of a
5th Women's World Conference

In this section of the site we provide links to historical documents as well as more recent documents and other grassroot activism initiatives in support of a 5th Women's World Conference. As the momentum continues to build we will be updating this section of the site on a regular basis so check back often.

Click Here to Read Message from Jean Shinoda Bolen


If you wish to get involved in this global initiative, also check the "Get Involved" section of the site.


Historical Documents:

The Finnish Government and NGOs in Finland are accelerate efforts for the
Fifth World Conference on Women (2003)

Resolution supporting a 5th UN World Conference on Women introduced by Finland in 2005 tabled until 2009 ECOSOC

The Council of Europe Parlimentary Assembly Doc. 10643 (July 6, 2005) in support of a 5th World Conference on Women

Resolution supporting a 5th UN World Conference on Women introduced by Finland in 2005 tabled until 2009 ECOSOC

Fifth World Conference on Women and the 2005 CSW Review of the Beijing Platform for Action Discussions by NGOs at the 47th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women, March 3-14, 2003

Recent Documents:

Letter of support to ECOSOC from Women's Intercultural Network (WIN)

Activism Opportunities

The USA is one of 45 member countries of the CSW. (Click here for member list)
A new resolution in support of a 5WWC could be introduced by President Obama's appointee who will serve from 2009-2012. With Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State and activism from individuals and organizations, the United States could introduce a resolution and would line up support from other CSW members beforehand. It is also possible for the new appointees to CSW and ECOSOC to support a tabled resolution (see ECOSOC)

Actions can be taken by women around the world.

To: Americans who want to help make this happen.

With one to two degrees of separation between Obama supporters and the people who can get the word out to who you know or who you know of:

To: Citizens of other countries, especially those with membership on the CSW.
(Includes Brazil, Mexico, Paraguay, Belize in the Americas, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Great Britain & Northern Ireland in Europe; Japan, India and the Republic of Korea)

Actively make a similar effort to get the word out, to lobby members of your government, to get local and national organizations involved in writing and signing petitions, and contact your CSW representatives urging their support for a 5th Women's World Conference.